- Luthiers -
Guitar, Violin, Folk Instrument Repair & Set Up
Services for Individuals, Dealers, Studios, Schools
Service 'By Appointment'

Bluegrass & Folk Instrument Set-Up
(Banjo, Mandolin, Dobro, Ukulele, Dulcimer)

Set-Up, Calibration, Fine Tune, Configure & Adjustment of
-Banjo - Mandolin - Uke - Dobro -
- Fiddle - Violin - Duclimer - Ethnic Instruments -

A Musical Instrument Set Up is much more than merely
taking an instrument out of the box or case and tuning the
strings. Whether Banjo, Mandolin, Uke, or other string instrument, a professional set up brings out the best in the instrument. A quality Set - Up Job is to regulate, configure, balance, harmonize, synchronize, optimize, and calibrate all the factors involved with string height, finger pressure, playability, harmonic accuracy; at every fret and/or position, neck and fingerboard straightness, and overall performance of the instrument.
A Bluegrass instrument - Banjo, Mandolin, Ukulele, Dobro, Dulcimer, etc. is set up best with a combination of precision measurement tools, continuous play testing throughout the process, and an expert-experienced eye and ear to make visual and audible calculations that mix in with the other evaluations for perfection in optimal play-ability, harmonic accuracy, and or personalized style.
Having worked on thousands of instruments over many years, has allowed this perspective to be utilized on all the set-up jobs we do. Our ideal is to give you the best performance, tone and playability possible for your instrument.
Please click here
to see a list of the checks and balances we use in optimizing a string instrument. These skills and techniques are also utilized proportionately in folk and bluegrass instrument set up jobs as well.